Florida Civics Seal of
Excellence Course

Thank you for your interest in the Florida Civics Seal of Excellence. Course registrations were opened 7pm EST on September 18, 2024 and all the available seats were filled within a few minutes. There are now thousands of teachers across the waiting lists, but you are welcome to register/sign in and join one or many from the available waiting lists.

Anyone with a valid and certified Florida teaching license who has not previously completed the course is eligible to register for the Civics Seal of Excellence online course. Participants who successfully complete all videos, reflection activities, and quizzes by their course end date will be eligible to add the Civics Seal of Excellence endorsement to their certificate. Anyone who completes the course, meets the registration requirements, and meets the stipend requirements below may also qualify for a $3,000 stipend..

Avg. Duration: 55 hrs
100% Online
53 Speakers
Earn Endorsement
Flexible Start Dates
Get Started

About This Course

The Florida Department of Education designed and developed the content of this first-of-its-kind teacher training program, which aligns with Florida’s revised civics and government academic standards. In each lesson, participants will study video-based lessons created and delivered by 53 expert scholars and practitioners in history, government, and political science from Florida and around the country. In most lessons, participants will submit responses to reflection activities and complete interactive assessments. For the average participant, the course should take about 50 hours, and participants have two months to complete the course.

Special Thanks
The Florida Department of Education would like to express its sincere appreciation to Dr. Mark David Hall of George Fox University, Dr. Stephen Masyada of the University of Central Florida, and Dr. Matthew Spalding of Hillsdale College for their critical role as Civics Content Experts in developing the Civics Seal of Excellence Endorsement Course.

Course Overview


Course Introduction

1 hours 40 min

The Florida Civics Seal of Excellence course is a rigorous, content-rich, 55-hour online professional development course designed specifically for Florida certified educators and based on Florida’s revised 2023-24 civics and government standards. This one-of-a-kind course consists of video lessons delivered by thirty-nine nationally recognized scholars and practitioners, reflection activities, and computer-graded assessments. The course includes an Introduction and five Modules: 1) Events and Ideas that Led to the American Revolution; 2) Debates and Events to Create a More Perfect Union; 3) The Constitution; 4) Protecting Liberty and Securing Equal Rights for All Americans; and 5) The Self-governing American Citizen. Florida certified educators who complete this course will be eligible to earn the Civics Seal of Excellence Endorsement and a $3,000 stipend from their school district/local education agency.

7 Lessons

View Lessons

Lesson 1: Florida Civics Education Excellence -Speaker(s): Hon. Ron DeSantis

Lesson 2: Florida Civics Education Vision -Speaker(s): Hon. Manny Díaz, Jr.

Lesson 3: Civic Education and the Nation -Speaker(s): Dr. William J. Bennett

Lesson 4: Totalitarian Regimes and the American Republic -Speaker(s): Hon. Jeanette Nunez

Lesson 5: Education - The Key to Forming Civic-minded Citizens -Speaker(s): Dr. Wilfred McClay

Lesson 6: American Government and Citizenship -Speaker(s): Dr. Matthew Spalding

Lesson 7: Florida's Civic Education Program and the Civic Literacy Excellence Initiative -Speaker(s): Dr. Steve Masyada


Ideas and Events that Led to America’s Independence

16 hours 12 min

Speakers in this module will identify the most significant historical and intellectual influences on the American Founders as they debated and adopted the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation, and the Constitution of the United States of America. These influences included Greece, Rome, the Judeo-Christian tradition, the Middle Ages, British constitutionalism, the Protestant Reformation, and the various European Enlightenments. Describes the significant colonial events leading up to American Independence and ends with a thorough examination of the Declaration of Independence.

Module I Note: The first eight lessons of Module One contain challenging content consisting of the various historical and intellectual influences studied, understood, and applied by the American Founders as they established the American Republic. Do not be discouraged by the complexity of these ideas. Watch the videos closely, take detailed notes, and enjoy the challenge of better understanding the Founders’ mind which enabled them to form this great nation we call home.

16 Lessons

View Lessons

Lesson 1: Intellectual Influences: Ancient Greece Influences on the Founders -Speaker(s): Dr. Charles Kesler

Lesson 2: Intellectual Influences: Ancient Rome Influences on the Founders -Speaker(s): Dr. Matthew Mehan

Lesson 3: Intellectual Influences: Judeo-Christian Influences on the Founders -Speaker(s): Dr. Samuel Gregg

Lesson 4: Intellectual Influences: The Middle Ages and the Natural Law Tradition -Speaker(s): Dr. Samuel Gregg

Lesson 5: Intellectual Influences: British Constitutionalism and the Rule of Law -Speaker(s): Dr. Bradley Watson

Lesson 6: Intellectual Influences: The Protestant Political Tradition -Speaker(s): Dr. Mark David Hall

Lesson 7: Intellectual Influences: The Different Enlightenments -Speaker(s): Dr. Charles Kesler

Lesson 8: The Political Thought of America’s Founders -Speaker(s): Dr. Matthew Spalding

Lesson 9: America’s Colonial Origins -Speaker(s): Dr. Michael Breidenbach

Lesson 10: The Beginnings of Self-Government in America -Speaker(s): Dr. Richard Samuelson

Lesson 11: Religious Liberty and Church-State Relations in Colonial America -Speaker(s): Dr. Mark David Hall

Lesson 12: The Road to American Independence -Speaker(s): Dr. Wilfred McClay

Lesson 13: The Declaration of Independence – Overview -Speaker(s): Dr. Lucas Morel

Lesson 14: The Declaration of Independence – Deep Dive -Speaker(s): Dr. Lucas Morel

Lesson 15: Pedagogical Expert Panel: Teaching American Intellectual Influences and the Declaration of Independence -Speaker(s): Dr. Steve Masyada, Tiffany Hoben, Kathy Hansberry, Richardo Delfosse, J.D., Jasmine Peralta, Cindy Marcelin, Jessica Hasle

Module Assessment - Ideas and Events that Led to America’s Independence -Speaker(s):


Debates and Events to Create a More Perfect Union

8 hours 9 min

Describe the major debates and events from the signing of the Declaration of Independence to the ratification of the Constitution of the United States of America, such as the adoption and ratification of the Articles of Confederation, the writing of constitutions by the new state governments, and the events and debates surrounding the Constitutional Convention, including the issue of slavery, and the views of the Federalists and the Anti-Federalists.

8 Lessons

View Lessons

Lesson 1: State Constitution Writing and the Articles of Confederation -Speaker(s): Dr. Jonathan Den Hartog

Lesson 2: The Constitutional Convention – Part 1 -Speaker(s): Dr. Michael Breidenbach

Lesson 3: The Constitutional Convention – Part 2 -Speaker(s): Dr. David Ramsey

Lesson 4: Slavery and the Constitutional Convention -Speaker(s): Dr. Lucas Morel

Lesson 5: The Anti-Federalists -Speaker(s): Dr. Jeffrey Polet

Lesson 6: The Federalists -Speaker(s): Dr. Ronald Pestritto

Lesson 7: Pedagogical Expert Panel: The Constitutional Convention and the Founders and Slavery -Speaker(s): Dr. Steve Masyada, Kelli McNair-Lee, Kathy Hansberry, Traci Van Zyl, Cindy Marcelin, Tiffany Hoben, Reginald McKelvin

Module Assessment - Debates and Events to Create a More Perfect Union -Speaker(s):


The Constitution

13 hours 24 min

Describe the importance, meaning, and how to think about the United States Constitution, and examine the Congress, the President, the Courts, Articles IV through VII, federalism, and modern government, and identify misconceptions. Describe the history and development of Florida and examine the Florida Constitution.

14 Lessons

View Lessons

Lesson 1: The Importance of the Constitution -Speaker(s): Hon. Charles T. Canady

Lesson 2: How to Think about the Constitution -Speaker(s): Dr. Matthew Spalding

Lesson 3: Congress -Speaker(s): Dr. James Wallner, Dr. Joseph Postell

Lesson 4: The President -Speaker(s): Dr. Abbylin Sellers

Lesson 5: The Courts -Speaker(s): Dr. Bradley Watson

Lesson 6: Who Says What the Constitution Means? -Speaker(s): Dr. Matthew Spalding

Lesson 7: Articles IV through VII and Ratification of the Constitution -Speaker(s): Dr. James Todd

Lesson 8: Federalism -Speaker(s): Dr. Richard Samuelson

Lesson 9: Florida History and Development -Speaker(s): Hon. George LeMieux

Lesson 10: The Florida Constitution and State Government -Speaker(s): Hon. Chris Sprowls

Lesson 11: The Florida Constitution and Local Government -Speaker(s): Hon. C. Joseph Boatwright

Lesson 12: Modern Government -Speaker(s): Dr. Joseph Postell

Lesson 13: Pedagogical Expert Panel: Teaching the U.S. Constitution and Federalism -Speaker(s): David Aldred, J.D., Kathy Hansberry, Jaclyn Holimon, Byron Lee, Dr. Steve Masyada, Travis McKellar, Kelli McNair-Lee

Module Assessment - The Constitution -Speaker(s):


Protecting Liberty and Securing Equal Rights for All Americans

8 hours 9 min

Describe human rights and the Constitution, amending the Constitution, substantive rights, procedural rights, other rights and individual and state powers, the Civil War and Reconstruction amendments, Black Codes, Jim Crow laws and the modern Civil Rights movement, all other constitutional amendments, and how government secures rights.

11 Lessons

View Lessons

Lesson 1: Rights and the Constitution -Speaker(s): Dr. James Todd

Lesson 2: Amending the Constitution -Speaker(s): Trent England, J.D.

Lesson 3: Substantive Rights – Amendments One and Two -Speaker(s): Dr. Daniel Bennett, Hon. Cord Byrd

Lesson 4: Procedural Rights—Amendments Three through Eight -Speaker(s): Dr. Bradley Watson

Lesson 5: The Meaning of the Ninth and Tenth Amendments -Speaker(s): Dr. William B. Allen

Lesson 6: The Civil War and the End of Slavery -Speaker(s): Dr. Joshua Dunn

Lesson 7: Reconstruction and Civil Rights -Speaker(s): Dr. Joshua Dunn

Lesson 8: Additional Amendments - 11-12 and 16-27 -Speaker(s): Dr. Daniel Bennett

Lesson 9: How Government Secures Rights -Speaker(s): Dr. Abbylin Sellers

Lesson 10: Pedagogical Expert Panel: Teaching the Bill of Rights and Significant Amendments -Speaker(s): Richardo Delfosse, J.D., Jessica Hasle, Tiffany Hoben, Cindy Marcelin, Dr. Steve Masyada, Travis McKellar, Jasmine Peralta

Module Assessment - Protecting Liberty and Securing Equal Rights for All Americans -Speaker(s):


The Self-Governing American Citizen

8 hours 9 min

Describe the meaning and importance of American citizenship, the importance of civil discourse, the relationship between free speech, media and civic education, political knowledge and civic involvement, civic obligations and responsibilities, the citizen as a public servant, and political ideologies and totalitarian regimes.

9 Lessons

View Lessons

Lesson 1: The Meaning and Importance of American Citizenship -Speaker(s): Dr. William B. Allen

Lesson 2: The Importance of Civil Discourse -Speaker(s): Dr. Tonjua Williams

Lesson 3: Free Speech, Media and Civic Education -Speaker(s): Dr. Mark Bauerlein

Lesson 4: Political Knowledge and Civic Involvement -Speaker(s): Hon. Michael Bileca

Lesson 5: Civic Obligations and Responsibilities -Speaker(s): Dr. David Bobb

Lesson 6: The Citizen as Public Servant -Speaker(s): Hon. Bill McCollum, Hon. Bill Montford, Dr. Steve Masyada

Lesson 7: Political Ideologies and Totalitarian Regimes -Speaker(s): Dr. Elizabeth Spalding

Lesson 8: Pedagogical Expert Panel: Teaching Citizenship and Civil Discourse -Speaker(s): David Aldred, J.D., Jesika Butler, Kathy Hansberry, Jessica Hasle, Byron Lee, Dr. Steve Masyada, Travis McKellar

Module Assessment - The Self-governing American Citizen -Speaker(s):

Meet the Speakers

Why Should You Enroll?

The Florida Department of Education developed the content of this course to provide you with a strong foundational content knowledge that is rooted in a factual account of American history and the guiding principles that influenced the Founders as they debated and adopted the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States. As you study primary source documents, you will reflect upon the philosophical underpinnings of the American Republic and the root foundation of American exceptionalism. After you complete the course, you will be better equipped to prepare students to properly engage in our great republic with the necessary rights and responsibilities of a virtuous citizenry.

Participants who successfully complete the course will be eligible to add the Civics Seal of Excellence endorsement to their certificate. Participants that meet all the eligibility and stipend requirements below may also qualify for a $3,000 stipend.

Frequently Asked Questions

Please read this carefully. You are only eligible to take this course if you hold a valid and certified Florida teaching license and have not completed this course before.

Valid Florida teaching license includes the 5 Year Renewable Professional, and 3 or 5 Year Non-Renewable Temporary. Click the following link to check your teaching license status using the "Public Search" option at the top of the page at the Florida Department of Education's Online Licensing Service. https://flcertify.fldoe.org/datamart/mainMenu.do

Our system will check the current records provided by the Florida Department of Education’s Bureau of Educator Certifications to verify your license status.

In this course, every lesson includes one or two videos, and most lessons in modules 1 to 5 also include a reflection activity and interactive assessment. Modules 1 to 5 also have an interactive module assessment. To pass this course, you must fully watch every video (with fast-forwarding disabled), submit a substantive and relevant response to each reflection activity, score 70% or higher on each interactive lesson assessment, and complete each interactive module assessment. You will have two attempts to pass each reflection activity and interactive lesson assessment. If you do not pass a reflection activity or lesson assessment after two attempts, you must restart the lesson and rewatch its videos.

On March 15, 2022, the State Board of Education (SBE) approved 6A-4.0164 Specialization Requirements for the Civics Seal of Excellence (Endorsement). To qualify for the Civics Seal of Excellence Endorsement, you must hold a valid Florida Educator Certificate and complete all course passing requirements by your course end date. After you complete the Civics Seal of Excellence course, you will receive a downloadable completion certificate and a link to a shareable certificate page. You will need to upload a copy of your completion certificate to the certification application.
To add the endorsement to your certificate, you must submit either the Add Subject to Professional Certificate application or the Add Subject to Temporary Certificate application via the Florida Department of Education online application system and pay the nonrefundable $75 fee. Click here to start your application.

No. Each participant is only eligible to take the course and earn the stipend once. Participants that successfully complete the course can continue to have full access to the course lessons and activities within their account.

Enrollment: To enroll in the course, click on the “Get Started” button in the top section of this page. You will be able to view all available course cycles and can enroll in any of the cycles that have available seats. Seats are limited and not always available.

Waiting Lists: In the case where all the available seats are taken, you can sign up for the waiting list for that cycle. A user can join as many waiting lists as they like to indicate availability. In the case a seat becomes available, it will automatically enroll the first person on the list and sends them an email notification. You can also login to the website at any time to see if you have been assigned to a current or future cohort.

Once the course cycle enrollment period ends, the waiting list of that course will be discontinued. Please note that a waiting list is for the specific cycle (time period) you joined and that it does not carry to future course cycles. This is why we encourage you to join as many waiting lists as you like.

If you were on waiting lists for a course cycle that ended, that waiting list is no longer valid and discontinued. You will need to enroll in new cycle or join other available waiting lists.

To qualify for the $3,000 stipend, you must meet the following criteria:

  • Be an eligible participant (please check the “Am I Eligible to Take this Course?” section).
  • Successfully enroll in the course and start the course within the first week of your assigned cohort period.
  • Successfully complete the vendor registration process and get approved as a vendor by Florida State University (FSU) prior to the completion due date of your course. Information on how to register and an invitation to register as an FSU vendor will be sent to each participant after they start the course. Failure to successfully registering and getting approved as an FSU vendor will disqualify the participant from earning a stipend.
  • Successfully complete all course requirements and receiving a certificate of completion.
  • The participant is a U.S. Citizen or U.S. Permanent Resident to be eligible to receive payment.

Failure to complete all these required steps on time will disqualify the participant from earning the stipend.

Stipends will be paid through the Florida State University (FSU) and directly to the participant. Only individuals who met all the above conditions will qualify to receive the $3,000 stipend. Stipends will be processed at the end of each course cycle for all the participants that meet the criteria above.

Please note that it is the responsibility of the participant to meet the IRS rules and regulations including making necessary tax payments on the earned stipends. Please check the IRS.gov website or discuss with a professional tax accountant to learn about the implication of receiving a stipend payment.

The FL Department of Education or FSU may require you to provide additional proof or documentation. Failure to provide this information within the requested time will forfeit the eligibility for a stipend and unenrolling you from the course.

The Civics Seal of Excellence Endorsement course is a core part of Governor Ron DeSantis' Civic Literacy Excellence Initiative. The Florida Department of Education, in consultation with nationally-recognized scholars, planned, designed, and created the content for the course and selected the speakers who would deliver the course lectures. If you have questions about the course content, please contact the Florida Department of Education.